Dr Miles Hansard

Miles HansardPhD

Senior Lecturer in Vision

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London



statistical scene and image models, depth-cameras and multi-view scene reconstruction., binocular vision, eye-movements and 3D displays.


Publications of specific relevance to Advanced Robotics


Denoun B, Hansard M, Len B and Jamone L (2023). Statistical Stratification and Benchmarking of Robotic Grasping Performance. IEEE Transactions on Robotics  vol. 39, (6) 4539-4551. 10.1109/tro.2023.3306613


Vitanov I, Farkhatdinov I, Denoun B, Palermo F, Otaran A, Brown J, Omarali B, Abrar T, Hansard M, Oh C, Poslad S, Liu C, Godaba H, Zhang K, Jamone L and Althoefer K (2021). A Suite of Robotic Solutions for Nuclear Waste Decommissioning. Robotics  vol. 10, (4) 112-112. 10.3390/robotics10040112
Paredes JA, Álvarez FJ, Hansard M and Rajab KZ (2021). A Gaussian Process model for UAV localization using millimetre wave radar. Expert Systems with Applications  vol. 185, 10.1016/j.eswa.2021.115563
Denoun B, Len B, Hansard M and Jamone L (2021). Grasping Robot Integration and Prototyping. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine  vol. 28, (2) 101-111. 10.1109/mra.2021.3066049
Paredes JA, Hansard M, Rajab KZ, Álvarez FJ and Aguilera T (2021). Drone Positioning From Combined mmWave Radar and Depth Camera Data. CEUR Workshop Proceedings  vol. 3097,


Hansard M (2019). Fast synthesis of atmospheric image effects. European Conference on Visual Media Production on - CVMP '19  Conference: European Conference on Visual Media Production  10.1145/3359998.3369406
Vasilyev A and Hansard M (2019). Spatial distribution of eye-movements after central vision loss is consistent with an optimal visual search strategy. International Journal of Neural Systems  10.1142/s0129065719500266
Ismail AMH, Solomon JA, Hansard M and Mareschal I (2019). A perceptual bias for man-made objects in humans. Proceedings of the Royal Society B  vol. 286, (1914) 10.1098/rspb.2019.1492


Vasilyev A, Hansard M, Mareschal I and Patras I (2018). A Model of Visual Search in the Presence of Age-Related Macular Degeneration. PERCEPTION  vol. 47, (5) 573-573. Conference: Proceedings of the AVA Christmas meeting 
Ahmed S, Hansard M and Cavallaro A (2018). Constrained Optimization for Plane-Based Stereo. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing  vol. 27, (8) 3870-3882. 10.1109/tip.2018.2823543


Ismail AMH, Solomon JA, Hansard M and Mareschal I (2017). Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Orientation Processing During Scene Recognition. PERCEPTION  vol. 46, (10) 1220-1221. Conference: Proceedings of the AVA Christmas Meeting 
Dewar A, Hansard M and Mareschal I (2017). Could Commodity Eye Trackers Provide a Viable Low-Cost Alternative for Neuropsychological Studies? PERCEPTION  vol. 46, (10) 1225-1225. Conference: Proceedings of the AVA Christmas meeting 
Zhao L, Hansard M and Cavallaro A (2017). Layered Scene Models from Single Hazy Images. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics  vol. Early online, 1-1. 10.1109/TVCG.2017.2708108


SELFRIDGE R, Noland K and Hansard M (2016). Vision of Motion Blur and Strobing Artefacts in Video at 100 Frames per Second. Conference: Conference on Visual Media Production (London)  10.1145/2998559.2998562
Ismail AMH, Solomon JA, Hansard M and MARESCHAL I (2016). A tilt after-effect for images of buildings: Evidence of selectivity for the orientation of everyday scenes. Proceedings of the royal society, open science  10.1098/rsos.160551
Hussain Ismail AM, Solomon J, Hansard M and Mareschal I (2016). A Generalized Tilt After-Effect. Journal of Vision  vol. 16, (12) 10.1167/16.12.877
TERZIC K and Hansard M (2016). Methods for Reducing Visual Discomfort in Stereoscopic 3D: A Review. Signal Processing: Image Communication  10.1016/j.image.2016.08.002
Horaud R, Hansard M, Evangelidis G and Ménier C (2016). An overview of depth cameras and range scanners based on time-of-flight technologies. Machine Vision and Applications: an international journal  10.1007/s00138-016-0784-4
Ismail AMH, Hansard M, Solomon JA and Mareschal I (2016). Adaptation to Tilted Scenes. PERCEPTION  vol. 45, (6) 699-700.


Zhao L, HANSARD M and Cavallaro A (2015). Pop-up modelling of hazy scenes. Conference: International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (Genoa)  10.1007/978-3-319-23231-7_28
HANSARD M, Evangelidis G, Pelorson Q and Horaud R (2015). Cross-calibration of time-of-flight and colour cameras. Computer Vision and Image Understanding  vol. 134, 105-115. 10.1016/j.cviu.2014.09.001
He A, Wang L, Chen Y, Hansard M and Zhang T (2015). Comparison of CoMP and MISO for Energy Efficiency in HetNets. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Conference: 2015 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW)  10.1109/wcncw.2015.7122580
HANSARD M, Evangelidis G and Horaud R (2015). Fusion of Range and Stereo Data for High-Resolution Scene-Modeling. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence  10.1109/TPAMI.2015.2400465


HANSARD M, Horaud R, Amat M and Evangelidis G (2014). Automatic detection of calibration grids in time-of-flight images. Computer Vision and Image Understanding  vol. 121, 108-118. 10.1016/j.cviu.2014.01.007


Sapienza M, Hansard M and Horaud R (2013). Real-time visuomotor update of an active binocular head. AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS  vol. 34, (1-2) 35-45. 10.1007/s10514-012-9311-2
Hansard M, Lee S, Choi O and Horaud R (2013). Characterization of time-of-flight data. Springerbriefs in Computer Science  10.1007/978-1-4471-4658-2_1
Hansard M, Lee S, Choi O and Horaud R (2013). A mixed time-of-flight and stereoscopic camera system. Springerbriefs in Computer Science  10.1007/978-1-4471-4658-2_5
Hansard M, Lee S, Choi O and Horaud R (2013). Alignment of time-of-flight and stereoscopic data. Springerbriefs in Computer Science  10.1007/978-1-4471-4658-2_4
Hansard M, Lee S, Choi O and Horaud R (2013). Calibration of time-of-flight cameras. Springerbriefs in Computer Science  10.1007/978-1-4471-4658-2_3
Hansard M, Lee S, Choi O and Horaud R (2013). Disambiguation of time-of-flight data. Springerbriefs in Computer Science  10.1007/978-1-4471-4658-2_2


Hansard M, Lee S, Choi O and Horaud RP (2012). Time-of-Flight Cameras Principles, Methods and Applications. Springer
Hansard M (2012). Binocular projection of a random scene. British Machine Vision Association and Society for Pattern Recognition Conference: Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2012  10.5244/c.26.90


Hansard M and Horaud R (2011). A Differential Model of the Complex Cell. Neural Computation  vol. 23, (9) 2324-2357. 10.1162/neco_a_00163
HANSARD M, Horaud R, Amat M and Lee S (2011). Projective alignment of range and parallax data. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)  3089-3096. Conference: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  10.1109/CVPR.2011.5995533


Glennerster A, Hansard ME and Fitzgibbon AW (2010). How could ego-centric location be defined neurally? Journal of Vision  vol. 1, (3) 6-6. 10.1167/1.3.6


Hansard M and Horaud R (2009). Cyclorotation Models for Eyes and Cameras. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics  vol. 40, (1) 151-161. 10.1109/tsmcb.2009.2024211
Glennerster A, Hansard ME and Fitzgibbon AW (2009). View-Based Approaches to Spatial Representation in Human Vision. Springer Nature 10.1007/978-3-642-03061-1_10


Arnaud E, Christensen H, Lu Y-C, Barker J, Khalidov V, Hansard M, Holveck B, Mathieu H, Narasimha R, Taillant E, Forbes F and Horaud R (2008). The CAVA corpus. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Conference: Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Multimodal interfaces  10.1145/1452392.1452414
Khalidov V, Forbes F, Hansard M, Arnaud E and Horaud R (2008). Detection and localization of 3d audio-visual objects using unsupervised clustering. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Conference: Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Multimodal interfaces  10.1145/1452392.1452438
Hansard M and Horaud R (2008). Cyclopean geometry of binocular vision. Journal of the Optical Society of America A  vol. 25, (9) 2357-2369. 10.1364/josaa.25.002357
Khalidov V, Forbes F, Hansard M, Arnaud E and Horaud R (2008). Audio-Visual Clustering for 3D Speaker Localization. Springer Nature 10.1007/978-3-540-85853-9_8


Hansard M and Horaud R (2007). Patterns of Binocular Disparity for a Fixating Observer. Springer Nature 10.1007/978-3-540-75555-5_29


Glennerster A, Hansard ME and Fitzgibbon AW (2001). Fixation could simplify, not complicate, the interpretation of retinal flow. Vision Research  vol. 41, (6) 815-834. 10.1016/s0042-6989(00)00300-x


Hansard ME and Buxton BF (2000). Image-based rendering via the standard graphics pipeline. IEEE International Conference on Multi-Media and Expo  (III/WEDNESDAY) 1437-1440.
Hansard ME and Buxton BF (2000). Parametric View-Synthesis. Springer Nature 10.1007/3-540-45054-8_13


Grants of specific relevance to Advanced Robotics
Geometric Evaluation of Stereoscopic Video
Hansard ME
£88,495 Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (31-08-2015 - 31-12-2016)
The UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies
Britton J, Hansard M, Brant S, Astley SM, Ziakas G, Amos A, Aveyard P, Bauld L, Coleman TJ, Godfrey C, Hajek P, Hastings GB, Lewis SA, McNeill AD, Munafo MR and West RJ
£2,854,373 Economic and Social Research Council (31-05-2008 - 30-11-2013)